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Story Time

Harvard Graduate School of Education
The READS lab is a university-based research initiative dedicated to improving children’s literacy at scale; creating relevant, rigorous, and replicable science; and advancing systemic equity through collective action with education leaders.


A free research-based summer reading intervention for 2nd through 5th grade children to improve reading comprehension

A for Apple
B for Bee
C for Cat

The three key program elements (ABCs) 

A ccess to books at home, including a wide variety of texts.

B ooks that are well matched to each child's reading level and interests.

C omprehension activities to scaffold students’ engagement with their books, summer follow-up, and family support of summer reading.

Watch a video about our approach . . .

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Copyright © 2022 The President and Fellows of Harvard College

READS Lab, Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA  02138

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